The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
This resource is a complete and ready to use introductory session. It explores the concept of success including:
an image starter linked to success to open discussion
a discussion about success and what it means to students
exploration of 5 quotations about success
group discussion about what students have learnt
students complete an interview with their future selves
students then complete a ‘success contract’ for the year ahead
ends with a plenary pyramid to reflect on student learning
Perfect for new teachers, experienced teachers or for form time.
Complete and ready to use!
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In this 4 page resource, I cover guidance for making your first application to a school as an NQT or training teacher.
This includes lots of great tips on what your personal statement should include as well as answers to questions about how it should look and what makes an effective statement.
The resource also includes an example letter template for writing your statement.
This resource is designed to give training teachers the confidence to make their application and complete their personal statement comfortably!
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In this bundle, you will find resources to help you organise meeting a group of students for the first time. This is perfect for any teacher but especially good for RQT and NQTs. This includes:
a set of ice breaker activities for meeting a new group and to get to know them
an expectations and success lesson to kick start your lessons
a positive behaviour reward stamper to help encourage great behaviour in your lessons
a class tracker to help you tracker data, assessments, detention, interventions and homework
a 6 page PDF packed full of guidance for meeting a new group of students
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In this bundle, you will find 13 resources designed to help inspire and motivate students.
This resource includes:
2 x sessions/form times on growth mindset and how tackle challenges
an anxiety worksheet
emotional worksheet
confidence worksheet
confidence and self esteem assembly
3 sets of inspiration cards
a set of positive thinking posters
random act of kindness assembly
positive thinking and mindset/new beginnings assembly
charity/kindness awareness assembly
In this bundle you will find resources which will be useful form tutors and for form time.
This bundle includes:
a powerpoint of an 8 week numeracy challenge
a powerpoint of 20 literacy form time activities
2 literacy booklets with over 60 pages of literacy activities
a growth mindset form time
an organisation skills development form time
a form time/lesson on success and how to start the year right
a document full of ice breaker activities to get to know your form/class
a behaviour contract - for targeting those key students early!
Set 1, 2 and 3 of my ‘Little Inspiration Cards’ - these are perfect for printing and handing to students to inspire them throughout the day
100 lesson behaviour challenge to get your form started right!
a self esteem check in board
an anxiety check in board
an emotional check in board
…all 3 perfect for targeting students emotional well being and encouraging them to reflect on their emotions as we return to school.
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This PDF contains a set of 18 positive thinking cards. Each card contains a quote or message which relates goal setting.
These have been designed to be used to support students in thinking about setting goals. They can be printed or given to students as a set or used as part of a session. These could also be used during tutor time or PSHE lessons if appropriate.
There are lots of potential uses. :)
These are not a replacement for counselling or other mental health services and are not intended to be reductionist.
Instructions for use are included also.
You can find set 1 on positive thinking here:
You can also find set 2 on overcoming challenges here:
Finally you can find a bundle of inspirational resources, including assemblies and form time resources here:
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In this resource you will find an application supporting statement/covering letter example for an newly qualified teacher applying for the first job. This framework is designed to give you a good base to start your own letter.
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In this resource you will find 6 page PDF of advice for when you meet a new group - this is great for all teachers, but especially good for NQTs and RQTs.
The booklet covers:
preparing for your new group
how to learn names
building relationships
mistakes to avoid
how to behaviour manage
establishing rules and routines
This is great preparation for new staff as well as reminder of the basics of meeting a new group!
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In this bundle, you will find a compilation of resources perfect for making your first applications to schools and for interviews.
This includes:
guidance on writing your first application
guidance on student panels
3 sets of potential questions for an ITT/NQT/ECT position
guidance on visits to schools and how to ace this first impression
15 questions to ask your interviewer at the end of your formal interview - always the worst part of the interview when your mind goes blank!
a 3 page guide to planning an amazing interview lesson including loads of top tips and advice
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This bundle is an inspiration bundle and is made up of 12 resources designed to promote motivation and inspire students.
The bundle includes five ready to use assemblies focused on raising aspirations, exploring confidence and self esteem, kindness to others, charity and positive thinking.
There is also two form time sessions - one on being a great learner and the other on developing a growth mindset.
This bundle also includes three sets of Little Inspiration cards. These are small cards designed with inspirations quotes on. Each set is focused on a different part of wellbeing.
positive thinking and happiness
overcoming challenges
setting goals
These can be handed to students to remind them to focus and be positive throughout the day or could be used as a part of a session.
Finally, this bundle includes a coffee shop style reward stamp to inspire positive behaviour and a ‘self esteem’ check in board to inspire positivity and wellbeing.
£26 of resources
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In this bundle, you will find 11 resources centred around anti bullying, looking after each other, positivity and confidence.
This bundles includes:
**Assemblies/form time sessions:
I recommend chosing the first as your whole year group assembly, then others can be used easily during form time or PSHE
Anti bullying assembly - ‘choose respect’
Charity awareness - ‘kindness to others’
Choice and Consequences
Confidence and self esteem
Random Acts of Kindness
**Form time resources:
Emotional check in worksheet - reflection on worries/fears
Inspiration cards set 1-3
5 x positive thinking posters
Student Concern Log Cards - for staff to log concerns about students
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In this first BACK TO SCHOOL bundle, you will find resources perfect for return to lessons and the new academic year.
This includes:
10 positive postcards; back and front and using motivational and rewarding quotes
2 x sets of ‘little inspiration cards’ to motivate and inspire both yourself and students
1 x colourful weekly desk organiser page
a CPD tracker for tracking your professional development and learning
a lesson plan and evaluation pro forma
4 assessment for learning plenaries
a class tracker including sheets for class data,
detentions, assessment, interventions and homework
10 colourful classroom labels for your storage and trays
a set of ice breaker activities for meeting new groups on your timetable
a 6 page PDF of guidance for meeting a new group
a bank of 60 easy use plenaries
a reward stamper for positive student behaviour
a success lesson for setting expectations
a guide to making your own reward scratch cards to use in your lessons
3 x PDFs of collated links to free CPD opportunities ready to help you develop professionally!
1 x loyalty stamper to use with student attending interventions/extra support
This is a bundle of resources for a Head or Head of House.
This is the 2nd half of bundle 1.
Bundle 1 can be found:
These are different bundles and contain different resources. This means you can buy both bundles for a complete set of resources or can buy which ever of the two is best suited for your needs.
This second bundle includes:
staff reflection activities for use at the end of terms/half terms
attendance tracking documents
attendance interview template for interviewing students with poor attendance
an informal and formal behaviour contract (2 resources)
anxiety and worry worksheet
behaviour reflection worksheet
behaviour improvement plan template for individual students
head of year certificates for use in assemblies
3 sets of positive thinking cards
venn diagrams to help understand your year group
student led reflection progress sheet to prepare for parents’ evenings
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This is the MASSIVE form tutor bundle.
It includes loads resources (a total of 50+ activities) to help you manage form time and to reduce planning and workload.
It contains a range of resources which a great range of of form time foci!
1 x what makes a great learner? form time session
1 x 12 weekly spelling tests
20 x SPaG activities
1 x session on choices and consequencs
1 x christmas for time activities booklet
1 x numeracy maths course
1 x weekly rota for form time
1 x giant christmas quiz
1 x end of year/term giant quiz
1 x growth mindset psession
1 x pastoral form time activity booklet (KS3)
1 x learning to learn session
1 x new beginning and positive thinking session
1 x organisational skills session
1 x library/reading skills form time
1 x success lesson - setting expectations
10 x form time postcards to send home to your tutees!
3 x little inspiration cards to issue to you form for inspiration!